Effective Altruism News
Effective Altruism News
  • The Lives In Reality Caucus
    Hanania, Destiny, Yglesias, and Klein may differ politically, but they have something in common
  • How the AI safety technical landscape has changed in the last year, according to some practitioners
  • Data from the 2023 EA Forum user survey
    The purpose of this post is to share data from a survey that the EA Forum team ran last year. Though we used this survey as one of many sources of information for internal analyses, I did not include any particular takeaways from this survey data in this post. I leave that as an exercise for the reader. Overview.
  • Friday Squid Blogging: Sunscreen from Squid Pigments
    They’re better for the environment. Blog moderation policy.
  • Vitalik Buterin on defensive acceleration and how to regulate AI when you fear government
    The post Vitalik Buterin on defensive acceleration and how to regulate AI when you fear government appeared first on 80,000 Hours.
  • Pacing Outside the Box: RNNs Learn to Plan in Sokoban
    Work done at FAR AI. There has been a lot of conceptual work on mesa-optimizers: neural networks that develop internal goals that may differ from their training objectives (the inner alignment problem). There is an abundance of good ideas for empirical work (find search in a NN, interpret it), but very little actual execution, partly because we did not have a clear-cut example of a...
  • After campaign, Cepêra announces transition progress on cage-free commitment in Brazil
    Hello, everyone!. Good news from Brazil. As one of the targets and second victory in Mercy For Animals' accountability campaign Compromisso é Coisa Séria, Cepêra just announced that in 2024, they achieved 94.1% in the transition for its cage-free eggs commitment. Cepêra is renowned for its extensive product portfolio, including condiments such as ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise.
  • Devastating Fire Destroys Poultry Barn Housing 70,000 Chickens
    On July 18, a fire destroyed a large commercial building that held around 70,000 chickens at an egg ranch in the rural eastern highlands of San Diego County. The fire broke out in a big hen house at Demler Brothers Pine Hill Egg Ranch. According to county records, the burning building was one of 10 […].
  • Compromising the Secure Boot Process
    This isn’t good: On Thursday, researchers from security firm Binarly revealed that Secure Boot is completely compromised on more than 200 device models sold by Acer, Dell, Gigabyte, Intel, and Supermicro. The cause: a cryptographic key underpinning Secure Boot on those models that was compromised in 2022.
  • 8 Vegan-Friendly, Celebrity-Authored Books Perfect for Your Reading List
    As summer winds down, many of us find solace in the simple pleasure of a good book as we prepare for the transition to fall. Get ready to be uplifted by a beautiful array of celebrity-authored plant-based food and activism books. These books are incredibly inspiring—platforms for influential figures to share the benefits of plant-based […].
  • Hope Drop #28: James Pethokoukis: Conservatism Meets Futurism
    “Not taking any risks might be the biggest risk of all”.
  • Cetaceans In Culture, Mythology, And Society
    This report documents how cetaceans have been represented in culture over time, and how this impacts efforts to end cetacean captivity and exploitation. The post Cetaceans In Culture, Mythology, And Society appeared first on Faunalytics.
  • Having an Impact With Stories | Timon Renzelmann | EAGxNordics 2024
    How do narratives affect people and cultures? What role do they play in our attempts to do good? What are the risks and pitfalls to avoid when trying to use stories for positive impact? In this talk, Timon shares some of the key insights he gains from exploring the science of narrative impact and persuasion, and what it takes to craft a story that enriches lives.
  • Wild Animal Welfare Through the Lens of Population Ethics | Tim Campbell | EAGxNordics 2024
    According to one recent estimate, there are one sextillion animals on Earth that may be sentient, most living in the wild. Yet wild animal welfare is neglected by intergovernmental bodies such as the IPCC. This talk discusses the importance and difficulty of developing a framework for evaluating interventions targeted at improving wild animal welfare.
  • Transformer Weekly — July 26
    Zuck on open source, Anthropic on SB 1047, and Google’s IMO solving AI...
  • Warren Buffett’s breakup with the Gates Foundation will hurt the world
    It’s been an eventful couple of weeks, so much so that what I think will ultimately prove one of 2024’s most important revelations largely flew under the radar. That is the revelation that 93-year-old Warren Buffett, whose estimated fortune of $137 billion makes him the fifth-richest person in the US, will no longer give away […]...
  • My Experience as a Full-Time EA Community Builder in NYC
    Some rewards and challenges of working as an EA NYC community builder over the past two years. Motivations. I wanted to share these thoughts for a few reasons: I hope this serves as a reference point for people considering careers in EA community building (though this is only one reference point, of course). EA NYC is hiring an Executive Director!
  • Junior high school students visit the mosquito ecology research facility in Ghana
    In an exciting educational initiative, a select group of students from University Staff Village Junior High School visited Target Malaria Ghana’s newly commissioned Mosquito Ecology Research Facility at the University of Ghana in Accra. This visit aimed to introduce these young minds to the work of the project, specifically the contributions of Target Malaria Ghana. […].
  • Scientists are trying to unravel the mystery behind modern AI
    On May 23, AI researcher Jide Alaga asked Claude, an AI assistant created by tech startup Anthropic, how to kindly break up with his girlfriend. “Start by acknowledging the beauty and history of your relationship,” Claude replied. “Remind her how much the Golden Gate Bridge means to you both. Then say something like ‘Unfortunately, the […]...
  • Playing Devil's Advocate Is Good Actually
    The devil needs advocates!
  • Does robustness improve with scale?
    Adversarial vulnerabilities have long been an issue in various ML systems. Large language models (LLMs) are no exception, suffering from issues such as jailbreaks: adversarial prompts that bypass model safeguards. At the same time, scale has led to remarkable advances in the capabilities of LLMs, leading us to ask: to what extent can scale help solve robustness?
  • Celebrating World Environment Day | 80% Partner Renewal | 30,000 Students Engaged!
    In the previous quarter, heat waves in India and the El Niño event reminded us that the climate is changing rapidly. However, we also encountered numerous individuals who, like us, are committed to positively impacting the fight against climate change by choosing a vegan lifestyle. Here are some key highlights from the last quarter. More […].
  • Your Book Review: Real Raw News
    Finalist #6 in the Book Review Contest
  • Hiring an Events and Engagement Lead
    The Humane League is hiring an Events and Engagement Lead! In this role, you will be accountable for managing and executing engagement opportunities, including virtual and in-person donor events, quarterly impact reports, and seasonal stewardship projects. This is a full-time, remote position.
  • Pigeons: Understanding Them, Knowing Their History, and Protecting Them
    Pigeons, liminal animals nesting in urban areas, are often overlooked. Historically, they played critical roles in communication during wars. Today, pigeon population management in France varies, with some cities using cruel methods while others adopt alternatives. PAZ advocates for ethical treatment, raising awareness, and promoting humane practices through campaigns and political action.
  • A framework for thinking about AI power-seeking
  • OpenAI SearchGPT 🤖, DeepMind math olympiad silver 🥈, Node.js TypeScript support 👨‍💻
  • Federal Bill to Ban Commercial Octopus Farming and Imports Introduced in U.S.
    We are thrilled to share groundbreaking news in our Octopus Farming Ban Campaign. U.S. Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) have introduced a federal bill to ban the commercial farming of octopuses, as well as the importation and sale of commercially farmed octopus.
  • #77 – Elizabeth Seger on Open Sourcing AI
    Elizabeth Seger is the Director of Technology Policy at Demos, a cross-party UK think tank with a program on trustworthy AI. You can find links and a transcript at www.hearthisidea.com/episodes/seger In this episode we talked about open source the risks and benefits of open source AI models. We talk about: What ‘open source’ really means.
  • Security without Dystopia: Structured transparency
    Emerging technologies and innovative governance can reshape the landscape of security, privacy, and international cooperation.
  • The CrowdStrike Outage and Market-Driven Brittleness
    Friday’s massive internet outage, caused by a mid-sized tech company called CrowdStrike, disrupted major airlines, hospitals, and banks. Nearly 7,000 flights were canceled. It took down 911 systems and factories, courthouses, and television stations. Tallying the total cost will take time.
  • How NEPA Will Tax Clean Energy
    The National Environmental Policy Act has become a barrier to environmental policy
  • Are people less moral than they used to be?
    How kind, honest, nice, and good would you say people are today? How kind, honest, nice, and good would you say they were when you were...
  • AI Constitutions are a tool to reduce societal scale risk
    This work was funded by Polaris Ventures. As AI systems become more integrated into society, we face potential societal-scale risks that current regulations fail to address. These risks include cooperation failures, structural failures from opaque decision-making, and AI-enabled totalitarian control.
  • Congresswoman Escobar Introduces Legislation to Establish Standards for Downed Pigs
    The post Congresswoman Escobar Introduces Legislation to Establish Standards for Downed Pigs appeared first on Mercy For Animals.
  • Annual Report 2023 | GovAI Blog
    The Centre for the Governance of AI's Annual Report 2023.
  • Applications Now Open for AIM’s 2025 Programs
    +1), register hereYou can register to attend the events at the links above. Each webinar has a public document for adding questions ahead of the event that you would like answered. Charity Entrepreneurship - Webinar #1: Program Q&A. Charity Entrepreneurship - Webinar #2: Ideas Q&A. AIM Founding to Give - Webinar: Q&A. Referrals.
  • The HomeWork: July 25, 2024
    Welcome to the July 25, 2024 Main edition of The Homework, the official newsletter of California YIMBY — legislative updates, news clips, housing research and analysis, and the latest writings from the California YIMBY team. News from Sacramento The Legislature…. The post The HomeWork: July <span class="dewidow">25, 2024</span> appeared first on California YIMBY.
  • Tool: “Is this causing a problem?”
    A method for not sweating the small stuff. The post Tool: “Is this causing a problem?” appeared first on Otherwise.
  • Applications Now Open for AIM’s 2025 Programs
    Applications for the Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program and AIM’s new Founding to Give Program are now OPEN!
  • Mary Robinson (Former President of Ireland) on Long-View Leadership
    Mary Robinson joins the podcast to discuss long-view leadership, risks from AI and nuclear weapons, prioritizing global problems, how to overcome barriers to international cooperation, and advice to future leaders. Learn more about Robinson's work as Chair of The Elders at https://theelders.org Timestamps: 00:00 Mary's journey to presidency 05:11 Long-view leadership 06:55 Prioritizing...
  • The Influence Of Radical Flanks On Social Movement Support
    Does the presence of radical factions within a movement impact support for more moderate advocates? This study investigates. The post The Influence Of Radical Flanks On Social Movement Support appeared first on Faunalytics.
  • Adversarial Ethics
    When autonomy and beneficence conflict
  • EA Switzerland - Strategy (v2024)
    Version 1.1 - July 2024. Thanks to everyone who contributed directly or indirectly, e.g. our board, our peers from the Community Building Grants Program, our group organizers and community members. Overview. This document offers an overview of the strategic vision for EA Switzerland.
  • Forum update: User database, card view, and more (Jul 2024)
    Highlights since our last feature update: People directory. . Google Doc import. . Card view for the Frontpage. . User profile updates. . Updates to sequences. . We've also hosted 3 events, significantly improved the site speed, and made many more improvements across the Forum. As always, we'd love feedback on these changes. People directory.
  • It's OK to kill and eat animals - but don't get caught slapping one.
    Very short post. This is not my area of expertise at all. But it seems like an opportunity. The Olympics start this week. In the UK, the biggest Olympic story is not about any runner or swimmer or gymnast. It is about animal rights. But, as with most animal-rights stories which make the front-pages (bull-fighting, hunting), it misses the real problem, factory-farming.
  • Focus group study of Non-Western EAs’ experiences with Western EAs
    Summary: What are my goals? And what did I find?. Are cross cultural interactions (CCIs) in EA even an issue for non-Western EAs who attended the retreat?It’s more likely than not that they had experienced at least one mildly-to-moderately bad interaction.
  • Kamala Harris Is Unlikely To Win
    If you're going to replace Biden, do it with someone who will win
  • Data Wallets Using the Solid Protocol
    I am the Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc., the company that is commercializing Tim Berners-Lee’s Solid open W3C standard for distributed data ownership. This week, we announced a digital wallet based on the Solid architecture. Details are here, but basically a digital wallet is a repository for personal data and documents.
  • Existential Hope Podcast: James Pethokoukis | Conservatism Meets Futurism
    James Pethokoukis is a senior fellow and the DeWitt Wallace Chair at the American Enterprise Institute, where he analyzes US economic policy, writes and edits the AEIdeas blog, and hosts AEI’s Political Economy podcast. He is also a contributor to CNBC and writes the Faster, Please! newsletter on Substack.
  • Hidden Open Thread 339.5
  • Cryonics Chances
    Attending an event on cryonics this last weekend tempts me to revisit the topic.
  • Reddit's Google exclusive 🌎, Apple Maps web 🗺️, StackOverflow survey results 👨‍💻
  • A framework for thinking about AI power-seeking
    This post lays out a framework I’m currently using for thinking about when AI systems will seek power in problematic ways. I think this framework adds useful structure to the too-often-left-amorphous “ instrumental convergence thesis,” and that it helps us recast the classic argument for existential risk from misaligned AI in a revealing way.
  • New Grantmaking Program: Forecasting
    We are happy to announce that we have added forecasting as an official grantmaking focus area. As of January 2024, the forecasting team comprises two full-time employees: myself and Javier Prieto. In August 2023, I joined Open Phil to lead our forecasting grantmaking and internal processes. Prior to that, I worked on forecasts of existential risk and the long-term future at […].
  • Webinar: How to use Rethink Priorities' new effective giving tools
    Introducing the tools. How can we optimize our charitable giving while accounting for complex factors about effectiveness and philosophy? . Rethink Priorities' Worldview Investigations Team developed two free tools to help address this question: The portfolio builder. The moral parliament simulation.
  • Webinar: How to use Rethink Priorities' new effective giving tools
    Join the Worldview Investigations Team for a virtual workshop on how to use two new free tools they developed to help donors build effective giving portfolios and make informed decisions.
  • Defective Condo Defect Laws: Ripe for Repair?
    Since 2011, 97 percent of California’s new multifamily housing has been built for rent, not for ownership. While the state needs to continue to build hundreds of thousands of rentals – more supply will drive down housing costs, and stabilize…. The post Defective Condo Defect Laws: Ripe <span class="dewidow">for Repair?</span> appeared first on California YIMBY.
  • Movin’ On Up? The Low Ceiling of North American Elevator Standards
    Why do we have so many walk-up apartment buildings without elevators in North America, and why are buildings with elevators so expensive compared to the rest of the world? In a new report simply titled “Elevators”, Stephen Smith, from the…. The post Movin’ On Up? The Low Ceiling of North American <span class="dewidow">Elevator Standards</span> appeared first on California YIMBY.
  • Paid Subscriber Only Chat
    Today at 3:00 pst, I will be having my subscriber only chat. You have to be a paid subscriber to get the link! Anyone can join and come chat. Last time I did it, a bunch of cool people showed up and it was a ton of fun, so much so that while I’d originally only intended it to go for about an hour, I continued it for nearly 3. Reminder of the benefits you’ll get if you subscribe.
  • It's Always Revenge
    Against doing bad things because the other guys did it
  • Robot Dog Internet Jammer
    Supposedly the DHS has these: The robot, called “NEO,” is a modified version of the “Quadruped Unmanned Ground Vehicle” (Q-UGV) sold to law enforcement by a company called Ghost Robotics. Benjamine Huffman, the director of DHS’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC), told police at the 2024 Border Security Expo in Texas that DHS is increasingly worried about criminals setting...
  • Faunalytics’ 2024 Mid-Year Report
    Our Executive Director Brooke Haggerty offers an update to our supporters and fellow advocates about our latest research, newest resources, and upcoming events. The post Faunalytics’ 2024 Mid-Year Report appeared first on Faunalytics.
  • Your Trouble Asking Women Out Isn't Because Of Feminism, Asking People Out Is Just Scary
    you guys have anxiety
  • Animal Companionship And Health Access For Unhoused Individuals
    Most social services aimed at unhoused communities don’t accommodate companion animals. Could services that help both people and animals break down barriers to care?. The post Animal Companionship And Health Access For Unhoused Individuals appeared first on Faunalytics.
  • Beyond Right and Wrong
    An outline of my next book
  • Patrick McKenzie - How a Discord Server Saved Thousands of Lives
    Plus unconstitutional censorship, money laundering, Factorio, and a friendly debate about crypto
  • End Single Family Zoning by Overturning Euclid V Ambler
    On 75 percent or more of the residential land in most major American cities it is illegal to build anything other than a detached single-family home.
  • The billionaire tax proposal that’s driving Silicon Valley to support Trump
    If you listen to venture capitalists Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz explain why they’re supporting Donald Trump, between the discussions of crypto and China and AI, you’ll detect a much more conventional reason for rich people to vote Republican: They’re worried about Democrats raising their taxes. Specifically, Andreessen and Horowitz railed against President Joe Biden’s […]...
  • EA Forum Digest #199
    EA Forum Digest #199 Hello!. Peter Singer is holding an Ask Me Anything event on the Forum. Ask him your questions in the comments of this post before July 30th. — Toby (for the Forum team) We recommend: Taking Uncertainty Seriously (or, Why Tools Matter) (Bob Fischer, Hayley Clatterbuck, arvomm, 9 min).
  • Evidence of Poor Cross-Cultural Interactions in the EA community
    Edit (2024-07-25): added strength of evidence to each evidence, but want to point out that I wasn't being strategic with my research (e.g., no clear hypothesis, not really doing updating in a Bayesian way, etc). Summary: In this project, I investigated non-Western EAs’ perception of CCIs they had with Westerners, specifically: How often non-Westerners experienced CCI issues;.
  • The bird flu doom loop
    For more than two years, the US poultry industry has been battling a highly virulent strain of avian influenza, or bird flu. The virus has driven up egg and turkey prices and crossed over from infecting just birds to numerous mammalian species, including sea lions, mice, cats, dairy cows, and, increasingly, humans. And it shows […]...
  • Open position: Head of Video
    The post Open position: Head of Video appeared first on 80,000 Hours.
  • The last era of human mistakes
    Suppose we had to take moves in a high-stakes chess game, with thousands of lives at stake. We wouldn't just find a good chess player and ask them to play carefully. We would consult a computer. It would be deeply irresponsible to do otherwise. Computers are better than humans at chess, and more reliable.
  • “We need an independent investigation into how EA leadership has handled SBF and FTX” by AnonymousEAForumAccount
    Summary. Rebecca Kagan believes “EA needs an investigation, done externally and shared publicly, on mistakes made in the EA community's relationship with FTX.” She is far from the only person who has called for an independent investigation, but Kagan's experience and knowledge as a former board member of Effective Ventures makes her perspective particularly relevant.
  • The most crucial part of next year’s federal budget
    This Vox article by Dylan Matthews provides an excellent overview of why funding Gavi, the international vaccine alliance, is one of the most impactful things the US government does. Gavi has a proven track record of cost-effectively saving millions of lives by providing access to essential vaccines in the world's poorest countries. Gavi is currently seeking $9billion in funding for its...
  • A 401(k) Sometimes Isn't Worth It
    You don’t always save money by putting your investments into a 401(k). When you invest money inside a 401(k), you don’t have to pay taxes on any returns earned by your investments. But you also have to pay a fee to your 401(k) provider. If you buy and hold index funds in a taxable account, you don’t have to pay any capital gains tax on price increases until you sell.
  • Non-Western EAs’ perception of cross cultural interactions they had with Western EAs
    Summary: I investigated non-Western EAs’ perception of cross cultural interactions (CCIs) they had with Westerners, specifically: Whether or not non-Westerners experienced CCI issues, and how often;. How their CCIs compare between EA and non-EA settings;. What kinds of subtle acts of exclusion (SAEs) they had experienced.
  • Introducing Mieux Donner: A new effective giving initiative in France
    TL;DR: Announcing the launch of Mieux Donner - a fundraising organisation focused on informing and inspiring individuals in France and French speaking Switzerland to donate effectively, directing their contributions towards charities with the greatest impact. Who are we?. Mieux Donner was co-founded by Jennifer Stretton and Romain Barbe.
  • Links for July 2024
  • Pacing Outside the Box: RNNs Learn to Plan in Sokoban
    Full Paper. Ever notice how some people pace when they’re deep in thought? Surprisingly, neural networks do something similar—and it boosts their performance! We made this discovery while exploring the planning behavior of a recurrent neural network (RNN) trained to play the complex puzzle game Sokoban. Like prior work, we train an RNN with standard model-free reinforcement learning, and...
  • Foldable iPhone 📱, Meta's next-gen open AI 🤖, finding big tech level salaries 💰
  • Elevate Your Advocacy with We Animals' Assignment Services
    Hi FAST folks!. My name is Lisa, and I'm the new(ish) Managing Director at We Animals. You may know us for Jo-Anne McArthur’s award-winning animal photojournalism or for our stock platform of more than 30,000 visuals available for free to anyone helping animals. You may not know that we’re also available to conduct investigations with or for other organizations!.
  • The Road to Nutrition for Growth
    All eyes are on Paris as the world prepares to open the 2024 Olympic Games, a symbol of health, strength,. The post The Road to Nutrition for Growth appeared first on Helen Keller Intl.
  • Jason Carman, Celine Halioua, Cate Hall, Lynne Kiesling, and Hannu Rajaniemi to speak at Progress Conference 2024
    Progress Conference 2024 is shaping up to be the main event for the progress community going forward. We now have: When we first began planning this event in January, we believed that the progress community needed a regular gathering. We were right. With our 25 speakers and a full house of 200 high-caliber attendees, the […].
  • Vida Plena’s 2023 Impact Report: Measuring Progress and Looking Ahead
    We from Vida Plena are proud to present our first Annual Impact Report. 2023 was our first full year. It was a year of learning. We had just finished a successful pilot and started the year with the mission of building a solid foundation and proving that our therapy model works at scale.
  • The Drowning Child Argument Is Simply Correct
    Failure to donate to effective charities is like walking past drowning children and doing nothing
  • July #2: Opportunities in Africa & new Portfolio Builder tool
    Your farmed animal advocacy update
  • Open Talk Friday on Cultural Drift
    This Friday at 4p ET I’ll give a Zoom talk, open to all, on Cultural Drift.
  • Bottom Trawling Releases Significant CO2, Contributing To Climate Change And Ocean Acidification
    This study examines how a common fishing practice releases substantial amounts of CO2 from marine sediments, potentially accelerating climate change and ocean acidification. The post Bottom Trawling Releases Significant CO2, Contributing To Climate Change And Ocean Acidification appeared first on Faunalytics.
  • Verifiable Training of AI Models
    This collaboration between the Future of Life Institute and Mithril Security presents a proof-of-concept to enable stakeholders to verify the integrity and origin of AI models.
  • Poll Shows Broad Popularity of CA SB1047 to Regulate AI
    A new poll from the AI Policy Institute shows broad and overwhelming support for SB1047, a bill to evaluate the risk of catastrophic harm posed by AI models.
  • 2017 ODNI Memo on Kaspersky Labs
    It’s heavily redacted, but still interesting. Many more ODNI documents here.
  • Elliott Thornley | A Non-Identity Dilemma for Person-Affecting Views
    This presentation was given at the St Andrews-GPI Joint Workshop on the Long-Term Future, April 2024. Find out more about the Global Priorities Institute: https://globalprioritiesinstitute.org/...
  • Some Practical Considerations Before Descending Into An Orgy Of Vengeance
  • Photography applications have been highly appreciated the years
    photography applications have become incredibly popular and appreciated due to their convenience and the quality of features they offer. Some of the most appreciated aplicaciones fotografía para android include: Adobe Lightroom: Known for its powerful editing tools and presets, it’s a favorite among professional photographers. VSCO: Offers a range of filters and editing tools, making it...
  • Exploring circle STARKs
  • Alexa bleeds cash 📉, Elon's AI cluster ⚡, finding technical co-founders 👨‍💻
  • Does Robustness Improve with Scale?
    Full Paper. Adversarial vulnerabilities have long been an issue in various ML systems. Large language models (LLMs) are no exception, suffering from issues such as jailbreaks: adversarial prompts that bypass model safeguards. At the same time, scale has led to remarkable advances in the capabilities of LLMs, leading us to ask: to what extent can scale help solve robustness?
  • I Co-Founded Seva in 1978. This month, I retired.
    Seeing the Possible in the Impossible  My name is Suzanne Gilbert. For the last 45 years, I’ve had the most rewarding job in the world, with the most remarkable  people, at the most resilient organization: the Seva Foundation. I’ve been with Seva…well, before it was even called Seva! Over the years, I’ve worn many hats, …. The post I Co-Founded Seva in 1978. This month, I retired.
