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Plus the doomsday argument, the possibility of coming up with a nice reference class, and that you should ignore scientific evidence if it tells you there were a lot of early humans
Plus, Ranking Models by Susceptibility to Jailbreaking, and Machine Ethics
Your farmed animal advocacy update
Do you have a passion for conducting research and a strong desire to help the animal advocacy movement be the best it can be? You may be the new Research Director Faunalytics is looking for. The post Job Posting: Research Director appeared first on Faunalytics.
Progress on animal welfare laws are hard fought and hard won by animal advocates. This guest blog from the Animal Welfare Institute outlines the perpetual problem that comes after victory: enforcement. The post An Analysis Of State Enforcement Of Farmed Animal Welfare Laws appeared first on Faunalytics.
This study evaluates how well eight candidate animals perform as umbrella species to represent biodiversity conservation in tropical ecosystems. The post Rethinking Umbrella Species As A Conservation Strategy In The Tropics appeared first on Faunalytics.
We're running a campaign to create a plushie of Doggo! Our goal is to reach 200 pledges by September 18th. If we succeed, Makeship will manufacture the plushie; otherwise, he will be forever lost in the void :(
To support this campaign, visit our petition page here:
If we reach our goal, you'll be charged $27.99 USD plus...
It should start acting like one
Wednesday, September 11
Back in 2016, Vox asked 270 scientists to name the biggest problems facing science. Many of them agreed that the constant search for funding, brought on by the increasingly competitive grant system, serves as one of the biggest barriers to scientific progress. Even though we have more scientists throwing more time and resources at projects, […]...
EA Forum Digest #206
Hello!. Applications for AIM’s Charity Entrepreneurship program and Founding to Give program close next Sunday (September 15). Apply now, or refer a friend. — Toby (for the Forum team)
We recommend: My top 10 picks from 200 episodes of the 80k podcast (JWS 🔸, 9 min).
The high-pitched buzzing of a mosquito typically brings to mind memories of itchy bites and thoughts of the deadly disease malaria, and other viral infections like dengue, zika, and chikungunya. While these associations are well-known, it is lesser known that mosquitoes, may be occasional plant feeders. Both male and female mosquitoes from various species feed […].
New research evaluating the effectiveness of reward modeling during Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF): “ SEAL: Systematic Error Analysis for Value ALignment.” The paper introduces quantitative metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of modeling and aligning human values:
This interview is a cross-post from Probably Good’s new Career Journeys series. “No one will ever complain that you write too well… I look back at stuff I wrote 20 years ago and cringe now. But if I didn’t write it, I would still be bad. You’re not learning unless you’re doing it.”. How does someone break into the field of development economics?
The post Understanding the moral status of digital minds appeared first on 80,000 Hours.
The post Anonymous answers: What are the best ways to fight the next pandemic? appeared first on 80,000 Hours.
Reconsidering the Celebration of Project Cancellations: Have We Updated Too Far?. Epistemic status: Low certainty. These are tentative thoughts, and I’m open to alternative perspectives. Posting from an alt account. The Effective Altruism community has made significant strides in recognizing the importance of quitting projects that don’t deliver short-term results, which helps counteract the...
By Kee Rajagopal, senior program manager at Fistula Foundation In June 2024, I had the privilege of visiting our partners in Kenya and Tanzania along with other Fistula Foundation team members. Fistula Foundation is a nonprofit organization that serves as a bridge between women who suffer needlessly from obstetric fistula and the selfless people who … Continued.
This is a link post. It's a rare privilege to lead an organisation that embodies the very ideals that shaped your life. I’ve been fortunate to have been given that opportunity for the last four years. My journey with Giving What We Can began long before I became its CEO.
Scott Aaronson has a nice post discussing recent experimental progress in quantum computing from Google, Microsoft, and Quantinuum. In particular, he says Continue reading...
Update: I’d been wavering—should I vote for the terrifying lunatic, ranting about trans criminal illegal aliens cooking cat meat, or for the nice woman constantly making faces as though the lunatic was completely cracking her up? But when the woman explicitly came out in favor of AI and quantum computing research … that really sealed […]...
What happens when you're smart enough that you don't need to defer?
8 DAYS LEFT - Pledge here to make Doggo become a real plushie:
If we reach at least 200 pledges, Makeship will manufacture it, you’ll be charged the remaining balance (27.99 USD + shipping and tax), and he will be shipped to you!
Effective altruism, culture war, short stories, fun.
Animal Ask proposes a method to evaluate and compare the impact of different animal welfare interventions across species and types of experiences. The post Quantifying Animal Welfare: A Framework For Comparing Interventions appeared first on Faunalytics.
In speaking out, they’re showing just how important the bill is...
Did you know that lobsters can recognise individuals and crabs can exhibit complex social behaviours and hierarchies?
In 2023, Sightsavers carried out more cataract operations than ever, according to figures published in the latest annual report.
Tuesday, September 10
(Pigeon Hour x Consistently Candid Crossover)
According to Microsoft researchers, North Korean hackers have been using a Chrome zero-day exploit to steal cryptocurrency.
Pattern I’ve seen: “AI could kill us all! I should focus on this exclusively, including dropping my exercise routine.”Don’t. 👏 Drop. 👏 Your. 👏 Exercise. 👏 Routine. 👏You will help AI safety better if you exercise.You will be happier, healthier, less anxious, more creative, more persuasive, more focused, less prone to burnout, and a myriad of other benefits.All of these lead to increased...
Reaching Lower-Income Consumers with Nutritious Foods: Distribution Hubs, Direct Sales, and Supporting Distributors and Retailers
Tue, 09/10/2024 - 06:37
Last year on this blog, I announced the GAIN Business Model Research (BMR) Project: funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this project aims to identify promising business models to reach consumers on lower incomes with...
The baserate for all companies. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shares data on the survivorship rates of a all companies. Around 30-35% die before the third year, and around 50% by the fifth year, with surprising regularity. Of all 4.66M companies founded in the year 2000, 2.7M remain, or 18.2%. This seems like a good starting point, or baserate.
On July 21, 2024, experts from academia, industry, government, and nonprofits gathered at the Vienna Alignment Workshop, held just before the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). The workshop served as a crucial platform for addressing the pressing challenges of AI safety, with a focus on ensuring that advanced AI systems align with human values.
With 129 participants in...
In a recent appearance on Conversations with Tyler, famed political forecaster Nate Silver expressed skepticism about AIs replacing human forecasters in the near future. When asked how long it might take for AIs to reach superhuman forecasting abilities, Silver replied: “15 or 20 [years].”. In light of this, we are excited to announce “FiveThirtyNine,” an AI forecasting bot.
Intro. I think the 80,000 Hours Podcast is a great show. Despite the world of podcasts overflowing with content to choose from, it's reliably been a high-quality production that's been a regular part of my listening habits ever since I discovered it. It was also probably one of the first routes I become more aware of the EA community, which I suspect I might not be alone by.
This is a linkpost for Dispelling the Anthropic Shadow by Teruji Thomas. Abstract: There are some possible events that we could not possibly discover in our past. We could not discover an omnicidal catastrophe, an event so destructive that it permanently wiped out life on Earth. Had such a catastrophe occurred, we wouldn’t be here to find out.
California lawmakers recently passed SB 1047: light-touch AI regulations that will protect the public, safeguard innovation, and prevent AI disasters. The bill now sits on Governor Gavin Newsom's desk awaiting his approval—or potential veto. Why do AI experts, tech leaders, and the Californian public think SB 1047 is so important? Hear from them in this video.
Bas, Guillem., Acelas, Alejandro., (2024), Cómputo para el bien: El potencial de las supercomputadoras europeas para la investigación y desarrollo de la IA, . Descarga. Español
Resumen ejecutivo.
Breaking the cycle: The struggles and successes of mental health therapy for Ugandan teens
A recent study titled "Therapy, Mental Health, and Human Capital Accumulation among Adolescents in Uganda" by a team of researchers, including Sarah Baird and Berk Ozler, reveals the potential and limitations of group-based interpersonal therapy for adolescent girls in Uganda.
Making a measurable economic impact
Saeed Miganeh’s work at MIT is helping him answer important questions about designing effective programs for poverty mitigation and economic growth in African countries.
Mon, 09/09/2024 - 15:05...
The best of SSIR: Beyond randomized controlled trials
This collection of articles brings together some of the best research on impact measurement published in SSIR to further discussion, collaboration, and co-learning opportunities about charitable giving.
Mon, 09/09/2024 - 15:02...
Improving access to and usage of clean water
Why has water treatment been historically neglected by governments and donors given the significant short- and long-term benefits of clean water provision and use? How can we design interventions to ensure households have access to and use clean water?. elewis@poverty…
Mon, 09/09/2024 - 15:00...
J-PAL Global Executive Director Meets Telangana CM Revanth Reddy at AI Global Summit
Iqbal Dhaliwal, Global Executive Director of J-PAL (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab), met Telangana Chief Minister K. Revanth Reddy at the AI Global Summit held at HICC, Hyderabad.
Mon, 09/09/2024 - 14:52...
Telangana Government Signs 21 Key Agreements at Global AI Summit
An MoU with the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) will support AI research, contributing to the state’s efforts in leveraging AI for critical areas of development.
Mon, 09/09/2024 - 14:48...
And on Ron Desantis's posturing as a big, tough beef boy
Following recent legal recognition of decapod crustacean sentience in the U.K., this report provides a benchmark to assess companies on decapod welfare. The post Benchmarking Industry Progress On Decapod Welfare appeared first on Faunalytics.
About FarmSTAND. How our society produces, distributes, and consumes food impacts everyone. Right now, that system consistently produces harm to maximize profit. A handful of corporations have consolidated control over all aspects of the food system, including shaping laws that let them exploit animals and the environment, as well as consumers and workers – often concentrating the worst...
Monday, September 9
Global Youth Campaigns Coordinator
Mon, 09/09/2024 - 15:00
Open Location-See about the role section
Contract type
Fixed Term
Frontend apply URL
Closing date
Fri, 09/20/2024 - 12:00
<p>The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition...
Greetings from a world where…...
In 2018, Australia passed the Assistance and Access Act, which—among other things—gave the government the power to force companies to break their own encryption. The Assistance and Access Act includes key components that outline investigatory powers between government and industry. These components include:
Improving the nutrition of mothers and children could save many lives at a relatively low cost.
On Profitable Partial Exit from Perverse Regimes Through the Exercise of One's Formal Rights as a Citizen Enough criticism and analysis for the moment; here's a constructive program! Whole systems become richer through exchange and division of labor, which affords people more leisure to explore and investigate the environment, and add to the total knowledge […]...
We’re finally about to launch a plushie, but only if we get enough pledges for this campaign:
If we reach at least 200 pledges, Doggo will become a real plushie! After Makeship manufactures it, you’ll be charged the remaining balance (27.99 USD + shipping and tax), and he will be shipped to you!
The eye of the world turns to the US elections, and Polymarket captures its attention. Imitators pop up but don't have a great story for why they're better.
Does EA neglect justice movements? Is Peter Singer a fake effective altruist?
Modernism, in the fine arts, [is] a break with the past and the concurrent search for new forms of expression … felt a growing alienation incompatible with Victorian morality, optimism, and convention.
this week in security — september 8 edition
US charges Russian GRU hackers over Ukraine hacks, London transit cyberattack, ransomware roundup, and more. ~this week in security~. a cybersecurity newsletter by @zackwhittaker
volume 7, issue 34
View this email in your browser | RSS
~ ~
THIS WEEK, TL;DR. Five Russian GRU officers charged with targeting the...
Sunday, September 8
Welcome to Your Mileage May Vary, my new twice-monthly advice column offering you a framework for thinking through your ethical dilemmas and philosophical questions. Your Mileage May Vary isn’t like other advice columns, which usually aim to give you a single answer — the underlying premise being that there is an objectively “right” answer to […]...
You can make a devastating case for anything
Conspiracy thinking is extremely popular today. *
We're making a plushie! But only if we get enough pledges for this campaign:
Help Doggo become a real plushie! This video is an adaptation of "That Alien Message", a short story published by Eliezer Yudkowsky in 2008.
Saturday, September 7
This is the latest of a theoretically-three-monthly series of posts advertising EA infrastructure projects that struggle to get and maintain awareness (see original advertising post for more on the rationale). Italicised projects have been added since the previous post was originally submitted.
It’s the start of the school year, and thus the start of a fresh round of discourse on generative AI’s new role in schools. In the space of about three years, essays have gone from a mainstay of classroom education everywhere to a much less useful tool, for one reason: ChatGPT. Estimates of how many […]...
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Experts are the people who know and do the most on particular valuable topics, while elites are the people of highest status … we … tend to accept many important actions only if they are taken by elites, who do it in a sufficiently elite style.
The first live video of the Promachoteuthis squid, filmed at a newly discovered seamount off the coast of Chile.
Blog moderation policy.
Good news everyone: I’m getting into podcasting! As part of my investigation into how scientific paradigms are created, I hosted a talk by Simon DeDeo, Professor Of Many Topics at Carnegie Mellon and the Santa Fe Institute, recorded at the recent ILIAD conference in Berkeley. He discusses the idea of explore vs exploit in science.
ARC has released a paper on Backdoor defense, learnability and obfuscation in which we study a formal notion of backdoors in ML models. Part of our motivation for this is an analogy between backdoors and deceptive alignment, the possibility that an AI system would intentionally behave well in training in order to give itself the opportunity to behave uncooperatively later.
Epistemic status: completely unhinged, partially satirical
Finalist #12 in the Book Review Contest
OpenAI's $100b fundraising, Ilya Sutskever’s hypocrisy, and a wave of endorsements for SB 1047...
There is a side-channel attack against YubiKey access tokens that allows someone to clone a device. It’s a complicated attack, requiring the victim’s username and password, and physical access to their YubiKey—as well as some technical expertise and equipment. Still, nice piece of security analysis.
China’s Generation Z has a growing interest in plant-based and cultivated meats, with health and animal welfare as key motivators. The post Gen Z In China: Driving Sustainable Protein Adoption appeared first on Faunalytics.
Jeffrey Ladish. Before starting Palisade, Jeffrey helped build out the information security program at Anthropic through his security consulting company, Gordian. Jeffrey has also helped dozens of tech companies, philanthropic organizations, and existential-risk-focused projects get started with secure infrastructure. Summary:
Friday, September 6